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What are your wishes for 2021?

Updated: Nov 6, 2020

With just 8 weeks or so left of 2020, we're quickly rounding the corner to 2021.

We posed this question to our Conversations Community on Facebook and here are some of the responses we received:

What are your wishes for 2021?

For 2021, I wish that I would be a light to others. I wish for people to be grateful for their families, friends, relationships, challenges and victories and celebrate those for others. Sounds cliche but it truly is my wish... ~Val, Armstrong B.C. Canada

For 2021 I wish we have a COVID vaccine ready and being distributed to all countries. Suzana - São José dos Campo - SP - Brazil.

Susan Mandl Tafini

I wish 2021 discovers a way to unite the world with hope, love and understanding. I wish all the best to the young people of the world who will be stepping into larger roles to carry us older ones forward. That they can do a better job at uniting us when we have accomplished. I wish for a new appreciation of the natural beauty of the land and better care given to it so future generations can enjoy it as I have. I wish that families can get back to togetherness that I so enjoyed growing up. Beautiful memories made because I had people in my life who knew the importance of love. I wish a better year ahead for ALL of us. Springfield, Nebraska, USA

In 2021 I wish for more peace, harmony and compassion for everyone. Our world needs kindness and respect for all beings, no matter what our differences may be. I wish people were more respectful and considerate of what other people are going and growing through.

My deepest prayer is that we can understand each other’s point of view and perspective without the divisiveness we have been experiencing this year in particular. There would be a cure for Covid along with a healthy vaccine for all that improves our immune system safely.

There would also be more fun and joy. I’d be able to create freely with ease and be enjoying the entire process...

Sharon from Seabrook NH- USA

For 2021 I wish for it not to be a repeat of 2020. Actually strike that. I still got to do some pretty amazing things and I wouldn't change it for the world. In 2021 I wish to travel to see my friends in the next province. I wish to see my brother on the island and one of my best friends while there. For 2021 I wish that everyone takes into account what 2020 taught us and continue to be appreciative of what we have in eachother as family, neighbours and friends. In 2021 I wish we continue to be kind to one another.

Kris Fuller

For 2021, I wish for more love and understanding, more acceptance and kindness is the world. I wish for financial security. I wish for projects to flow out of me. I wish for inner peace and joy for where my life is going to take me next. I wish for the hurts in my heart to heal and my spirit to be sparkly. From BC, Canada

Daniel from Twitter

Peace and health to all human beings.

Jean Williams

For the world and myself, peace and love.

Michele Lynn

That we collectively start putting out the fires in our country. That we see one another's similarities rather than differences. That we all become kinder and more compassionate towards each other.

Dr. Lynne Celli, Massachusetts


Marsha Wietecha

My wish for everyone is to appreciate the life we have right now with gratitude and mindfulness. We may not all be on the same path, and that's okay. I'm evolving each day. I feel it. Maybe you are too. The answers are there, it just requires digging deep if they aren't on the surface. The key is deciding what's important and taking a deep breath for a Happy Healthy New Year. It's a choice worth taking.

Marsha Wietecha, Los Angeles, CA

Deb Landry

For 2021 I pray for peace, acceptance and unity. That we use the struggles of 2020 to find the silver lining and move in a positive direction. Peace in the world, in our country and peace within. - Deb Landry, Maine

What are your wishes for 2021? Please leave us a comment in our Facebook Community, on Twitter or on this post.

Thank you!

Your Best Ever You Team


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