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We Love Hearing from You!

Our team gets hundreds of emails, notes and requests for different opportunities every day.


And yes, my team members and I DO read every single email that comes through.

Below are the different ways to get in contact with me.

I do my best to share my insight and the things I’ve learned on this website and from the incredible guests I have on The Best Ever You Show (subscribe here if you haven’t yet).



Gas Fireplace

Reach Out to Us

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Are you an expert looking to help our members realize their best selves? We'd love to publish your article.

Have an Issue? Email Us Directly

If you’re looking for customer support or one of our training products:

  • Change Guidebook Masterclass

  • Success Guidebook Masterclass

  • Best Ever You Masterclass

  • Best Success Masterclass

  • Event Support

Please email

We do our best to respond to customer service requests within 24 hours. We will do our absolute best to take care of you as we want to make sure you are happy and taken care of 100%!

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Typing on a Laptop

We Are Always Looking for Experts!

At Best Ever You, we always welcome new highly credentialed experts and voices to our community.

We seek out writers and reviewers who have deep expertise in their field. (Think M.D., Ph.D. L.Ac., etc.) We also love hearing about wellness journeys and publish powerful, transformative personal stories about health and wellness.

If you have knowledge or a story to share, please reach out to us. If your submission is accepted you will work with our highly skilled team of editors to sharpen and polish your work.

Get Featured as a Podcast Guest

If you are requesting to be on The Best Ever You Show, I’m looking for inspiring leaders who are making a big impact on a large audience of people. Check out the Olympians, #1 New York Times bestselling authors, celebrities, doctors, scientists, as well as everday success & change makers we have on. If you or someone you know is a great match, then please message here and send us your pitch to learn more.


Looking to expand your brands reach?

If you’re interested in becoming a Sponsorship, Influencer, or Advertiser on The Best Ever You Show podcast or if you’re interested in social media sponsorships for Instagram (@elizabethguarino_official) or Facebook (, please contact us.

Review our Books & Podcast

If you’re a follower and supporter of the podcast and you’d love to share your inspiring story with me, please leave a review on iTunes HERE.


I read every review and love and appreciate all of my supporters (like you)!


I also am incredibly grateful for all reviews of my books and greatly appreciate Amazon reviews HERE.


Before You Submit an Article

  • Please put the title of your piece in the subject line and the full text in the body of the email. (No PDF’s, google docs, or attachments please.)

  • Source all health claims: If you mention a statistic or a study in your piece, include a link to that source. If you claim a certain food is healthy, tell us how you know. Use links to peer-reviewed scientific papers and academic journals. (Put relevant links in brackets next to the claim/statement.)

  • Include your bio, highlighting your credentials in the space including where you trained, any books you’ve written, or publications you’ve been featured in.

    • General Guidelines: 800-1000 words, nothing controversial, overly promotional, or topics that  divide or disrupt our audience, including, but not limited to, sexual content, political, religious materials.

    • All content approved for posting becomes eligible to be in YOU Magazine.

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