Everyday Moms
By Elizabeth Hamilton-Guarino
We are famous.
We are not so famous.
We are young.
We are old.
We are everyday moms.
We have energy.
We should take more time for ourselves here and there.
We might have wrinkles appearing.
We might have cake in our hair.
We are everyday moms.
We don’t have time.
We do have time.
Some days we do
Some days we don’t.
We are everyday moms.
One year we might be healthy.
The next year we may not be so healthy.
We are tall.
We are short and everything inbetween
We are everyday moms.
There are days when we relax.
There are days riddled with anxiety or consumed with work.
Yesterday we couldn’t find our keys.
So we decided to stay home and bake cookies.
We are everyday moms.
One child
Four? More?
We are everyday moms.
It’s not about me.
It’s about them.
It’s about you.
It’s about us all.
We are everyday moms.
Some days are incredible.
Some days suck.
Neither are better than the other.
Lessons are learned in both.
We are everyday moms.
We dare to compare.
The faces, bodies and attitudes of other moms
They have it easier. Do they really?
Do they just hide it better? Work harder? Smarter?
We are everyday moms.
Are we doing this right?
When do we find out?
Wait, their smile says it all.
Their grumbles do too.
We are everyday moms.
They are turning out.
Growth moments are abundant.
Examples set. Barriers broken.
Better than we had it.
We are everyday moms.
We won’t be here one day.
Hopefully they will look back.
Examples set. Barriers broken.
We hope they pass it on.
We are everyday moms.