By Bill Lightfoot and Elizabeth Hamilton-Guarino

Former Sargeant, Bill Lightfoot, was a recent guest on The Best Ever You Show. Bill served with the Richmond Police Department for thirty-six years. He has served as an investigator and supervisor with the Property Crimes Unit, the Robbery & Homicide Division, The Narcotics Division, and the Criminal Intelligence Unit. The Best Ever You Show with Bill focused on caring for the elderly, elder abuse and ways we can be more mindful now to prevent or lessen issues later. click The show prompted us to write these 25 Best Questions to Ask Your Aging Parents: 1. What is most important to you about your aging? 2. If there is one thing you want to ensure happens when you are older, what would it be? 3. What are your three most important values? How do they relate to health, money and aging? 4. Have you thought about who best understands you and your values to make decisions on your behalf? 5. Do you have a certain idea/belief that you want to direct these decisions? 6. When you think about becoming medically challenged, what do you want others to know or to do or not do? 7. Do you imagine yourself living a certain way if you have future health challenges? 8. Do you have a living will or an advanced directive? (or Medical Power of Attorney) 9. Do you know someone who would best be able to make medical decisions on your behalf? Have you spoken with this person? 10. Do you know someone who would best be able to make financial decisions on your behalf? Do you have a legal Power of Attorney? Have you talked with this person? 11..Do you have a will? 12. Where do you imagine yourself living for the remainder of your life? 13.. Have you prepared yourself financially to support your aging medical needs? 14.. Is there an assisted living/nursing facility you would consider if it becomes necessary? Have you investigated different care facilities for quality/cost/needs? 15.. Do you have Long Term Health Insurance? 16.. Is there a friend/family member you would like to be closer to in proximity? What would this require if they are not close? 17. When did you last update your documents? Do you feel the need to update your documents? (Many fail to do this once they have a document in place.) 18. Have you discussed any of these decisions with anyone else? If so, who? 19. Do you have legal representation? 20. Do you have spiritual/religious beliefs and or a representative or organization in your life? 21. Is there any information/ documentation available somewhere (safety deposit box etc.) that may be needed to care for you? 22. Do you own objects that are sentimental and most valuable to you? Do you have them listed in a document/are they a part of a will? 23. What else about your aging is important to you? 24. Have I missed anything? 25. How can I show you the most love and support as you age? More important than any question you could ever ask is to show love and compassion for the elderly. Our Best, Elizabeth Hamilton-Guarino & William Lightfoot
About Bill Lightfoot

Bill served with the Richmond Police Department for thirty-six years. He has served as an investigator and supervisor with the Property Crimes Unit, the Robbery & Homicide Division, The Narcotics Division, and the Criminal Intelligence Unit.Bill served with the Richmond Police Department for thirty-six years. He has served as an investigator and supervisor with the Property Crimes Unit, the Robbery & Homicide Division, The Narcotics Division, and the Criminal Intelligence Unit.
About Elizabeth Hamilton-Guarino

Elizabeth Hamilton-Guarino is the author of six books including the Hay House best-seller, PERCOLATE - Let Your Best Self Filter Through. Elizabeth is the CEO and founder of The Best Ever You Network and Compliance4. Elizabeth and her husband Peter R. Guarino live in Maine with their four sons. Visit and
Originally Published 8/11/2103, updated 12/6/2020