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Ask Yourself: Who Is the Voice Running the Show?

We all have voices in our heads, and it greatly matters who the narrator is— who is the voice running the show. It may be optimistic, or severely critical of you and others. When you wake up in the morning, it may tell you life is good, or convince you that life is terrible.

If there’s a negative voice that is gnawing at and judging you, life will be harder. If the worrying or critical part of your mind is running the show, you’ll live in a state of fear and anxiety instead of joy. Luckily, you can take your power back and unplug the critical voices so that you can more effectively run the show of your mind.

Thoughts are powerful. They create the energy of your reality. They influence healing, affecting your body and your emotional well-being. A negative inner voice can create bodily sensations of low energy, tension, or what feels like the weightiness of depression.

When you get into a pessimistic thought loop, you create a story about yourself that further reinforces negativity. And what’s more, when you speak negatively about yourself or your circumstances, your body is listening — down to the cellular level.

Interesting research conducted by Dr. Masaru Emoto investigated the effects of thought and feeling on water. Dr. Emoto’s team took photographs of water under a microscope to determine if its crystal patterns were influenced by language. His study showed that when we use words that are loving, positive, inspiring, and kind, the water crystals were beautiful and complex, like snowflakes. When words were demeaning or punishing, no crystals formed. Because the human body is made of roughly 60 percent water, words and thoughts matter to our bodily system. Knowing this, it’s apparent that the more positively you speak to yourself, the more beneficial it is to your overall well-being.

The truth is, you can choose which thoughts you give voice to. This involves noticing and recognizing what you say to yourself. You can choose which thoughts you want to hold on to and re-pattern your thinking through affirmations, which can lift dark moods and help make you aware of and transform negative self-talk.

A process of purposeful inquiry can help you manifest your desire to cast off the negative self-talk that’s running your show. It enables you to shift old

patterns of thinking, to find peace, and to fall in love with yourself. You have the power to discover a new awareness of yourself and the world around you. By putting your inquiry out to the universe, giving voice to your desires, and dancing with your dreams, you open yourself up for positive results to happen.

About Toni Bergins

Toni Bergins, M.Ed., is an embodiment trailblazer who has taught at the premier holistic healing centers for the last 27 years. She is on permanent faculty at the Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health, and has worked there as a movement artist, dance educator, expressive arts workshop leader, and expert in creating transformational workshops. Her new book is, Embody: Feel, Heal, and Transform Your Life through Movement (Health Communications Inc., Oct. 29, 2024.) Learn more at


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