I met Debbie Curran, in more depth, when she asked if she could use one of my pictures for a bracelet. Now, in my mind, I took a bit to wonder exactly how a picture could possibly become a bracelet, but I'm a trusting soul and said, yes pretty much instantly. Well, to this day, which is a few years later, I'm still wondering how she does what she does. It's just amazing. She's amazing. I'm pretty much constantly looking at each of her beautiful creations and am there wondering how she does it.
It - is creating bracelets.
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Here are her beautiful leaf bracelets she created for me at first.

After I saw what she is capable of, I asked her for a bracelet to go with my book PERCOLATE.

I love turtles, so I asked her for one of those too. Then were was my Chakra favorite and my baseball ones and she even designed one after my cat.

So I have a lot of bracelets and love each one!!
In Debbie’s world, a vista becomes a photograph, and that photograph becomes a ‘work of art’ piece of unique jewelry. So far, she has been undaunted by (and loves) any challenge! To date she has matched fabrics, medical ‘ribbon’ themes, favorite TV shows and much, much more!! It is not unusual for someone ordering a gift to send Debbie a note listing favorite colors, hobbies, personality traits and other information about the recipient ,which she then uses to make a unique, one of a kind, perfectly matched gift.
You can even bling in the New Year!!
Each of her bracelets is one of a kind, so you can ask her to create something for you. She's very active on Facebook and also has a great website.
In the past three years, her creations have found their way across all of North America, the Caribbean, Europe and Australia!
Visit Debonaire at debonairejewelrydesigns.com View DEBONAIRE’s many designs on their Facebook page, www.facebook.com/debonairejewelrydesigns
Follow DEBONAIRE on Twitter @debonairejd
About Debbie Curran

The advent of Debonaire Jewelry Designs didn’t happen overnight! From early childhood, Debbie demonstrated her outstanding creativity and her passion for the arts in all its forms. In the past, she has won several prestigious awards in creative writing. Debbie is also an accomplished musician, producing and publishing a CD, where she showcases her abilities as an instrumentalist, music arranger, song writer, and singer, In short, Debbie personifies creativity at its best; artistry is an integral part of both her body and soul. Debbie’s creativity went into overdrive three years ago when she began to dabble in the design and manufacture of jewelry, starting with ‘wrap style’ bracelets and expanding into matching accessories. She quickly transitioned from assembling pleasing color combinations to creating jewelry that is mainly based on the cornucopia of colors, textures and patterns inspired by nature.
