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Debra Oakland is the founder of Living in Courage Online which is a spiritual oasis for overcoming life’s biggest challenges. Over a short 4 years Debra lost her 21 year old son, her baby girl in the 8th month of pregnancy and both brothers. A few years later her father passed away from prostate cancer. Debra began her life altering path, becoming a writer,courage advocate and joyful experience.
She now writes, speaks and works with Universal Laws & Principles of Love that assist others to live courageously from the inside out. Debra's story and passion to assist others to embrace living in courage, has been featured in major media outlets including online TV, radio, magazines, and best-selling books. One of her greatest goals is to guide others to connect to their true inner passion and unique essence of authenticity. Debra lives in Laguna Beach California with her husband and best friend, Cody.
Debra is also the author of the book Change Your Movie, Change Your LIfe: 7 Reel Concepts For Courageous Change. Change Your Movie, Change Your Life will empower you in a fresh new way to take control of your life. You have a voice and you have a choice! Imagine you are the creative writer, director, producer and leading star in the hit movie of your own life. Within these pages you will experience an epiphany of spiritual awareness to understand what you want in your life, what you don't want, and how to achieve your goal with actionable intention.The 7 Reel Concepts for Courageous Change within these pages will entertain, educate and inspire you to courageously create the most purposeful, peaceful and positive life you have dreamed of living, and always deserved.
Oakland says, "Courageous individuals who are true to themselves feel a that is unshakable, a true conviction of purpose, a willingness to carry on in the face of any challenge."
Debra’s story and passion to teach others how to live a life in courage, has been featured in major media outlets including TV, radio, magazines, and best-selling books.
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Elizabeth's Best Award/Blue Ribbon Books:
Debra's authentic courage, love and perseverance leap off the each page of this book. I highly recommend this book if you want to shift direction and make positive, lasting change. - Elizabeth Hamilton-Guarino, Hay House author of PERCOLATE & CEO of The Best Ever You Network.
