Want to know how to create an investment portfolio funded with money found in unconventional places? Of course, you do! Let me show you how easy it is.
My husband and I recently realized we needed a new vacuum. The one I wanted cost $400. My husband is fantastic shopper, and he was convinced he could find it for a better price. He searched the internet and discovered the exact model for only $80!

Original Price: $400 Researched and found on line for: ($80) Shipping: ($30) Total Cost of new Vacuum: $110 SAVINGS: $290
Another example of finding money through smart shopping is when I needed to replace my broken phone headset. I kept putting it off because a new unit was going to run me $350. After looking at the headset, my husband determined that all I needed was a new earpiece. So, off he went again to do his savings magic!
Original Price: Cost of new headset: $350 Cost to replace broken earpiece: $30 SAVINGS: $320
In one month, we saved over $600 just through smart shopping! The important tip is to pause before you buy anything. Just take a moment to look at the options and ensure there aren’t savings opportunities that you’re missing. Ask yourself these questions: Have I checked for store coupons, credit card points, Craig’s list, or eBay? Have I checked to see if any store is offering any specials or have any coupons? It never hurts to ask if there are any special deals or coupons. I did this at Staples last week, and it saved me an additional $20 on the flip chart I was purchasing. These tips have saved my husband and me hundreds of dollars each month and allowed us to add thousands of extra dollars every year into our retirement plans. Saving and investing $500 a month for 20 years at 7% interest will add $250,000 for our retirement. The secret is to:
1. Take time before you buy to do your research on pricing, coupons, points, etc. 2. After you make the purchase, take the physical dollars you’ve saved and put them into one of the following:
Savings account (cash reserves/emergency funds)
Apply to credit card debt
Add to your retirement fund like an IRA account or 401(k) at work
3.Track all your income daily:
Keep a record of all the money you earn, save, or find
Add it up at the end of the month, and you will begin earning, attracting, and keeping more.
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Originally posted on katannaabbott.com
Katana Abbott, CFP®, is a Life and Legacy Coach™, and founder of the Six Pillars of Awakened Prosperity System™, the proven step-by-step process that shows you exactly how to create wealth, make a difference and live the life you love. To get your F.R.E.E. Video Course and receive her weekly money, mindset and manifesting articles on attracting more wealth, joy and ease into your life, visit www.midlifemillionairesecrets.com