While what you eat and how you move are crucial to weight management and overall wellness, it’s your mindset that matters most. This is a big reason why weight loss is evasive for so many, and it’s the big flaw in the weight loss industry - it’s obsessed with diet and exercise, yet pays little or no attention to a person’s psychology.

I’ve learned there are three underlying must-have’s when it comes to true wellness and lasting weight release:
1. Self-Love
Self-love turns a punishing workout into a nurturing one. It turns mealtime into self-care. It infuses every action into a “I’m my own best friend” vibe. Show some love to yourself by saying nice things to your reflection in the mirror, and treating yourself to massages, feel good movement, bath soaks and more.
2. Self-Acceptance
You are you and that’s a fact. This is your starting point. Lots of people simply don’t accept themselves - especially their bodies - and it causes a lot of anxiety. I remember as a teenager, not accepting my freckles. I put heavy makeup on in an attempt to cover them. The makeup actually made me look worse! So one day, I washed my face clean and just accepted that freckles are part of me, and went on with my freckled-faced life. Accepting the freckles changes me for the better.
3. Self- Awareness
What stresses you out? What is your favorite workout? What time of day do you get most hungry? Pay attention to your quirks and become aware of the subtle areas in your life that lead to a better you. For instance, I’m aware that I’m most hungry at 5pm and then my appetite wans the rest of the evening. Also, I prefer working out in the morning when my energy is best (8:30am is pinpointed perfect!). I tell my clients to “get sensitive” and feel what’s happening in your body all day long. Awareness is a superpower and will help maximize your energies and keep you heading towards wellness.

Everyone you know who is shining bright and truly well, I guarantee they possess high levels of self-love, self-acceptance, and self-awareness. All of the external things, like weight release, result from this three-part foundation.
About Ellen Barrett
MAY 29 -31, 2020 Movement, Meditation & Affirmations Ellen's Yearly Kripalu Retreat Stockbridge, Massachusetts
Ellen Barrett is a well-known exercise video creator, with best-selling titles like Crunch: Fat Burning Pilates, Prevention Magazine’sFlat Belly Diet Workout & The Yogini Workout. From 2006 – 20011, she starred in Fit TV’s All-Star Workouts. She’s the author of four wellness books, including her latest, The 28 Days Lighter Diet (Skirt!, 2014). Ellen holds certifications in yoga, Pilates, nutrition & group exercise as well as a master's degree in Education. Combining mind/body methods with empowering self-help concepts is her forte. She lives in Connecticut with her family. Visit EllenBarrett.com