When the 3rd Annual International Women’s Entrepreneurship Day [WED] convenes at the United Nations in New York City on Friday, November 18, 2016, serious discussions about critical issues affecting women in business worldwide will take the lead. An impressive and influential list of people and organizations will come together at the world’s largest celebration of successful women entrepreneurs, intrapreneurs, innovators and job creators, with the goal of empowering the 4 billion women on the planet and bringing hope to 250 million girls living in poverty. “Women worldwide have historically been underpaid, undervalued, underrepresented, underfunded – and underestimated…and still are,” says WED founder & entrepreneur Wendy Diamond. “Women-owned businesses are set to increase by 90% in the next five years. We need to change the status quo because lifting women creates economic opportunity and vitality locally and globally.” WED Global Ambassadors are creating this movement around the world, representing women in China, Australia, Ghana, Kenya, Norway, Peru, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Uganda and over 140 countries. “Statistics show that when women are provided with economic opportunity, 90 cents on the dollar goes back to providing for their families and educating their children,” says Founder Wendy Diamond. Encouraging and empowering more women to enter business will have an incredibly positive financial and social impact on global communities.” “We are so grateful for the unprecedented support of our sponsors and their deep commitment to WED's mission,” adds Diamond. “They help make this annual global event possible.” This year's WED sponsors include Bank of the West, BNP Paribas, and Kirkland & Ellis . Women’s Entrepreneurship Day will also honor women leaders in several industries with its annual Pioneer Awards. With a variety of days dedicated to various causes, one might ask – Why does the world need a Women’s Entrepreneurship Day? Consider then, that women perform 66% of the world’s work, yet earn 10% of the world’s income. At the same time, they account for 85% of consumer purchases and control $20 trillion in worldwide spending.
Women’s Entrepreneurship Day (WED) is generating a movement that carries throughout the year in support of women in business globally. WED ignites women leaders, innovators, and entrepreneurs to initiate startups, drive economic expansion, and advance communities worldwide. WED is celebrated in 144 countries and 110 universities and colleges. The WED mission is to empower the 4 billion women across the globe to be catalysts of change, and uplift the 250 million girls living in poverty globally. We are committed to gathering a think tank of inspiring women leaders who can amplify our message of expanding women in business in communities around the world.
We are excited to announce our distinguished speakers from major Fortune 500 companies, Various Female Company Founders, Philanthropists, CEO’s, Creatives, Impact Investors, Change Makers and Business Leaders for WED 2016 include:
Ms. Iris Apfel (Fashion Icon)
Mr. Amir Dossal (Founder & Chairman of Global Partnerships Forum, Former Director of U.N. Office of Partnerships)
Ms. Tao Porchon-Lynch (Actress, International Model and Guinness World Record Master Yoga Instructor)
Ms. Wendy Diamond (Founder of WED, Founder & Chief Pet Officer Animal Fair Media, Inc.)
Ms. Mindy Grossman (CEO of HSN, Board of Directors UNICEF, National Retail Federation)
Ms. Loreen Arbus (President/Founder of Loreen Arbus Productions, Inc., and The Goldenson-Arbus Foundation)
Ms. Bobbi Rebell (Author How to be a Financial Grownup, Reuters Money Columnist, Chief Television Correspondent & Anchor, Business Video Thompson Reuters)
Mr. Antonio Lucio (Global Chief Marketing & Communication Officer at HP Inc, Former Global Chief Marketing, Strategy and Development Officer at VISA)
Ms. Angelica Fuentes (Founder of FAF, A Complete Imperative Fund & GEF, Entrepreneur, Philanthropist & Women's Rights Advocate)
Ms. Dylan Lauren (Founder Dylan's Candy Bar)
Ms. Kay Koplovitz (Founder of USA Neteworks, The Syfy Channel, Co-Founder of the Springboard Fund, Board of Directors of CA Technologies, ION media and Time Inc.)
Ms. Sandra Lee (Philanthropist, Author, TV Personality & Editor In Chief of Sandra Lee Magazine)
Ms. Katia Beauchamp (Co Founder Birchbox)
Dr. Shefali Tsabary (World-Renowned Clinical Psychologist, International Keynote Speaker & Acclaimed Author)
Ms. Monique Giggy (Director Singularity, University Accelerator & LaunchPad, Co-Founder & President of Swing & Swing Golf, Founder & Partner of Own Vision LLC)
Ms. Joan Hornig (Founder of Joan Hornig Jewelry)
Mr. Anthony Scaramucci (Founder and a co-managing partner of investment firm Skybridge Capital)
Her Royal Highness Princess Katherine (Crown Princess of Serbia, Philanthropist & Patron of Lifeline Humanitarian Organization)
and many more... "We Will Come Together To “Celebrate, Support and Empower Women In Business Worldwide” "There's donut day, turtle day, bubble bath day, lost penny day - why on earth isn't there a day celebrating Women Entrepreneurs?!" quipped Wendy Diamond, Women's Entrepreneurship Day Founder.
Visit choosewomen.org

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